Mp3 Download song David Hodges You Are The Light FREE Mp3 Download Song Lyrics. David Hodges song lyrics

David Hodges - You Are The Light Lyrics

The world lost in darkness
Dying to see the sunrise
Savior will come
Heaven is waiting
Glimpses of mercy fading
A savior will come
Waited so long

You are the light Bethlehem's son
Hope of the world the glorious one
The savor to all is with us tonight
You are the light. You are the light.

Bow in your presence surrounded by angels beaming
A savior has come
Candle to lead us
Flame to destroy the darkness
Light of your love
Messiah has come

You are the light Bethlehem's son
Hope of the world the glorious one
The savior to all is with us tonight
You are the light.

Now the whole world will not be the same
Cause love has come down and grace has a name
Name of the child is Jesus Christ
You are the light.

Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah

You are the light Bethlehem's son
Hope of the world the glorious one
The savor to all is with us tonight

You are the light Bethlehem's son
Hope of the world the glorious one
The savior to all is with us tonight
You are the light.

Now the whole world will not be the same
Cause love has come down and grace has a name
Name of the child is Jesus Christ
You are the light.

You are the light. You are the light. You are the ligh
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